Where is the venue located and how do I get there? IET London: Savoy Place WC2R 0BL. Here are the location details.
What are the fees? Our Mobility Hub is FREE to attend, for ECA subscribers. The ECA subscriber ticket is reserved exclusively for representatives of organisations who subscribe annually to ECA’s data. For non-subscribers, the fee to attend is £249 + VAT.
How many representatives can attend from my organisation? Places are capped at three representatives per organisation, to ensure our delegates have maximum networking opportunities.
What time does the conference start/end? Registration is from 08:45, with the conference starting at 09:15 and closing around 16:40.
Where are the nearby hotels? Here you can view a suggested list of hotels within walking distance of the venue.
What is the dress code? Smart casual/ business casual.
Cancellations and substitutes? Substitute delegates can be registered at any time, and cancellations for paid places after 23 February will incur a £100 cancellation fee. More details can be found in our T&Cs.
What to do in the case of dietary and other special requirements? We’re happy to help so please notify our Events Team.
Will the conference be hosted virtually? We’re not hosting any part of our Hub virtually as we want to offer maximum networking opportunities for our delegates.
Will conference sessions be recorded? We’re not recording any of our sessions as we’re operating Chatham House rules to provide our delegates with a space to speak freely.