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Location Ratings Survey


  Survey open   Date: 22 May 2024 - 14 Jul 2024   Published: November 2024

A survey about the quality of life in hundreds of locations around the world, forming the basis for fair and equitable location allowances. We use multiple sources for collecting this data and feedback from expatriates forms an important part of the research and analysis process. Respondents are invited to comment on a range of issues including climate, medical facilities, infrastructure, personal security, language and culture.

Participation in the survey by your expatriates is an optional benefit of an ECA subscription and gives them an opportunity to feed back about life in their assignment location.

Survey results are converted into banded groups with corresponding recommended allowances, available online to ECA subscribers or to buy from our Consultancy & Advisory service.

Who is it open to?

Staff of companies subscribing to ECA services.