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Results based on: Cost estimates

Our latest interim cost-of-living survey shows index rises for nearly all the countries involved.

A quiet couple of months for inflation... The calm before the storm?

Latin American currencies fell heavily in June, but the Nigerian naira plunged even further.

Our latest Cost of Living results are in! Covering over 20 locations experiencing some of the greatest volatility in terms of inflation and currency movements, explore our interactive map to understand how various factors have affected indices in the countries where you have assignees.

Canned corned beef, camera film, DVD hire and MP3 player - all items once included in ECA's cost of living basket, representative of consumer tastes in their time which have since fallen out of favour. Here we look at how ECA's cost of living team ensures the basket is always representative and...

Iran's big devaluation should have little impact on expatriate cost of living, but Bangladesh's smaller one will be more noticeable.

Brexit continues to pull UK inflation both up and down, and Argentina introduces higher-value notes as soaring cost of living erodes value.

Asian currencies continue their slump, while Africa provides extreme volatility amid a global 'deep freeze'.

Imagine harnessing the power of data analytics to predict move patterns, enhance the employee experience, and ensure seamless immigration processes. Here we delve into the transformative impact of data analytics on global mobility, exploring how it is empowering GM teams.

There has been no great increase in global inflation, despite Middle East concerns, but the cost of living no longer seems to be easing either.