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Results based on: Currency movements

As Africa's foreign exchange reserves dwindle and currency values fall, leaders need to be clear about where the causes lie.

Iran's failure to rekindle nuclear deal has sunk the rial.

Lebanese pound greatly devalued, while other currencies also plummet as central banks are forced to loosen controls. Read about this and more in our monthly round-up of exchange-rate news.

Croatia joins the Eurozone, while Argentina gives foreign visitors greater buying power, plus all the biggest exchange-rate moves, in our monthly round-up of currency news from around the world.

African currencies have been pummelled lately, but a longer-term view tells a more useful story.

African currencies pummelled in a bad month for emerging markets.

As unprecedented turmoil upends the global economy and the dollar soars ever higher, a major factor in the calculation of expatriate pay has at least returned to normal.

Devaluations in Cuba and Myanmar, while the Ghanaian cedi falls heavily... All this and more in our monthly round-up of currency and exchange rate news from around the world.

Having unified its currency rates only last year, Cuba has reintroduced a multiple exchange rate system, greatly devaluing the peso in the process.

Pressure on Ukraine's and Pakistan's currencies finally becomes too much to resist. Read about these devaluations, as well as other exchange rate news from around the world in our monthly round-up.