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Results based on: Expatriate management

Lee Quane, Regional Director, and Mark Harrison, Associate Director share results of our latest MyExpatriate Market Pay (MyEMP) Survey and explore the potential impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on international assignment remuneration.

Salary reviews for mobile employees are often far from straightforward. Our latest video looks at the many points to consider when addressing this issue.

Whether you're a global mobility professional or an assignee, you will have most likely heard of COLA. But what actually is it, and how is it calculated?

We have looked at the various responses to the Covid-19 pandemic in Asia, and the lessons that HR and mobility managers can implement within their own plans.

ECA's Country Profiles help assignees avoid the challenges associated with living overseas. We've recently made a number of improvements - here's what you need to know!

In this video blog post, we look at the key concerns we've seen from global mobility teams during the current pandemic and the ways in which companies have acted to protect assignees.

One question that global mobility teams have been facing during the current pandemic is whether or not to repatriate staff based overseas. We have addressed some of the key questions to consider when making the decision.

ECA experts Steven Kilfedder and Emanuela Boccagni discuss how companies manage the process of localising assignees and overcome common challenges.

In this Mobility Basics post we examine the host-based approach to paying expatriate salaries, looking at when and why it should be used.

Ahead of Brexit, we have outlined and explained the key issues that global mobility professionals will need to consider before the UK leaves the European Union.