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Results based on: Expatriate salaries

Nattayaporn Cocconi, Client Solutions Executive, provides an overview of Cost of Living data for international assignments. This session is delivered in Thai.

18% of companies use the hybrid approach to try and achieve equity, but what is the hybrid approach and should your company be using it?

Lee Quane, Regional Director, and Mark Harrison, Associate Director explore recent Cost of Living index movements across Asia, and how to assess if a local salary is attractive for your mobile employees.

Will an individual's spending power be maintained if they move to work in a different country? This free white paper compares local salaries for managers in 58 countries in terms of relative buying power, showing at a glance which international moves will be viable on local terms.

Cost of living adjustments can be tough to navigate and some of the details can often be challenging for assignees to understand. We tackle some of the most common misconceptions.

Nattayaporn Cocconi explores which salary calculation methods to use for international assignments, including the home-based salary approach.

Changes to tax residency guidelines mean that many Chinese employees based in Hong Kong now need to declare their Hong Kong income and pay taxes on it in mainland China.

Oliver Browne and Talia Levy explore latest developments in expatriate pay, and advise on how you can qualify for comprehensive reports to benchmark your expatriates' salary and benefits packages at no cost.

What will the changes to the Posted Workers Directive (PWD) mean for you and your organisation, ahead of the new revisions that come into effect at the end of this month?

Many countries have begun the process of relaxing restrictions imposed due to Covid-19, but what should companies consider when managing employee mobility during this period?