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Results based on: Local salaries

A key component of many companies' global mobility frameworks, short-term assignments are evolving to become an essential means of moving talent internationally. However, they have many tricky nuances and can present major challenges for both the company and employee. Our new course is now here...

How do you pay your international assignees? We discuss what it is to pay gross and whether it is a suitable alternative to paying net.

This free report explains how ECA's indices are calculated and applied to protect the buying power of people moving between countries as well as looking at what causes them to change over time.

What have you and your fellow mobility professionals been reading about this year? We take a look back at our most popular blog posts of 2022.

Towards the end of year our teams have been busy analysing and updating all the data in our reports and calculators. We have created a summary to feature the latest updates and developments in the past 12 months.

Offering an in-house solution for instant access to cost estimates, our new Cost Estimate Calculator provides you with an accurate picture of the overall cost of your international moves - simply and quickly

The two biggest problems clients report when benchmarking are comparing total compensation and benefits packages, and the ability to benchmark against others in the same industry. ECA’s MyEMP reports enable you to do both and more.

Expat salary and benefits packages in Singapore rose by a modest 4% in 2021 in local currency terms despite the city’s fall to 22nd place in the rankings of the costliest places to employ expatriates globally.

Expat pay and benefits packages in Hong Kong rose by a modest USD 3 800 in 2021, to a total of USD 283 000, a rate of growth which was amongst the lowest of all locations in Asia. 

With inflation on the rise in countries around the world, it is increasingly important that global mobility managers and assignees understand how rising prices impact pay.