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Results based on: Local salaries

Many countries have begun the process of relaxing restrictions imposed due to Covid-19, but what should companies consider when managing employee mobility during this period?

In this Mobility Basics post we examine the host-based approach to paying expatriate salaries, looking at when and why it should be used.

Global mobility professionals are increasingly looking at different ways to compensate their expatriate populations. One method that often attracts a lot of attention is the local-plus approach.

Alternative host-based approaches to expat pay, such as the local-plus approach, are proving popular. But is it always a more cost-effective approach?

In this webinar, ECA experts Steven Kilfedder and Laura Whitehouse will provide practical advice on dealing with currency volatility.

18 March 2019

Redesigning and delivering an expatriate Remuneration and Benefits survey.

For several reasons, changing compensation packages as a direct response to currency movements is nearly always a bad idea.

What is the select country approach to calculating assignment pay, and when should you use it?

Differences in economies, pay structures, currencies and tax law across the EU mean there is a complex answer to this simple question.

In this Mobility Basics post, we look at the dual approach - what is it and when should you use it?