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Results based on: Mobility Basics

Michael Witkowski is joined by guest speakers from Global Tax Network, Elements Global Services and Envoy Global to explore new mobility tax and immigration issues that companies now have to consider for remote workers.

Whether you're a global mobility professional or an assignee, you will have most likely heard of COLA. But what actually is it, and how is it calculated?

In this Mobility Basics post we examine the host-based approach to paying expatriate salaries, looking at when and why it should be used.

Global mobility professionals are increasingly looking at different ways to compensate their expatriate populations. One method that often attracts a lot of attention is the local-plus approach.

What is best market practice when providing transport benefits for international assignees and what factors should be taken into account?

A mobility allowance can be an effective way to attract the best talent and to recognise an assignee's willingness to be internationally mobile.

What happens at the end of an international assignment? This Mobility Basics blog post looks at the localisation process and the different factors to take into consideration.

The second and final part of our assignment lifecycle series looks at the different steps that need to be considered by a global mobility team during an assignment, as well as the repatriation process once it has ended.

Opinions are divided on whether or not to apply negative cost of living indices. This post weighs up the pros and cons of doing so.

Equity among assignees is one of the holy grails of international HR but there is no simple way of achieving it. This blog post looks at the different salary approaches that can be used by a company, and the pros and cons of each.