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Results based on: Repatriation

Accurately comparing expatriate salaries across diverse roles and industries is complex. Fortunately, a robust and consistent job evaluation system, like ECA's points system, can help simplify the task. It provides organisations with a way to benchmark their diverse groups of...

Singapore rose six places to 16th position in global rankings of locations with the highest expatriate packages

Hong Kong rose three places to fifth position in rankings.

In times of widespread inflation and rising benefit costs, benchmarking your expatriate packages becomes crucial to ensure your company offers competitive compensation while managing expenses. Discover how ECA’s MyExpatriate Market Pay report can assist you in this.

Global food prices are driving high inflation, and lower oil and gas prices have not been enough to reduce it significantly. Explore our interactive map to understand how these factors impact the indices in countries where you have assignees.

Cost of living indices help organisations determine appropriate salary packages for employees on international assignments. Join us in exploring the process with our engaging infographic.

This free report explains how ECA's indices are calculated and applied to protect the buying power of people moving between countries as well as looking at what causes them to change over time.

What have you and your fellow mobility professionals been reading about this year? We take a look back at our most popular blog posts of 2022.

Inflation remains high around the world as food and household items rise in price as higher costs are passed on to consumers. How have key events around the world affected cost of living indices for your assignees?

Wage increases are always keenly anticipated by staff, but why are salaries reviewed at all? And do assignee salaries need to be reviewed in a different way to local salaries?