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Results based on: MyExpatriate Market Pay Survey

Technology has the potential to transform GM programmes - enabling better strategic decision-making, automating time-consuming and error-prone manual tasks, and improving the user experience for all stakeholders. Here are highlights from our recent Global Mobility Now Survey on how companies are...

What do we mean by 'international salary spine'? Here we provide a detailed explanation about this alternative remuneration approach that involves paying all mobile employees on the basis of an international salary structure.

Cost of Living indices are an invaluable tool for global mobility teams. However, when indices are updated to reflect changes in living costs between two locations, assignees may have questions about the updates.

What have you and your fellow mobility professionals been most interested in this year? We take a look back at a few of our most popular blog posts of 2023.

We have created a wonderful infographic to illustrate the entire journey of a typical, long-term assignment lifecycle, highlighting the depth of GM responsibilities.

As short-term assignments become an essential means of moving talent, how should employees be compensated for their living costs during the assignment?

What are location allowances and how and why are they paid? Read on to set location allowances for your globally mobile employees with confidence.

Women are estimated to make up 40% of the workforce globally, but the average proportion of women in the mobile workforce is considerably smaller than this. Ahead of International Women's Day on 8 March, we look at why this is, why it matters, and what companies can do to increase gender...

Tax equalisation allows employees on assignment to effectively pay the same amount of tax they would have if they had remained at home. This figure is known as 'hypotax'.

What have you and your fellow mobility professionals been reading about this year? We take a look back at our most popular blog posts of 2022.