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To stay on top of the latest global mobility trends, take part in ECA’s surveys

MyExpatriate Market Pay Survey

A benchmarking survey of expatriate pay levels, including information on salaries, benefits, allowances and tax treatment

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Salary Trends Survey

A survey of salary increases for locally-employed staff this year and anticipated increases for the year ahead

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International Relocation Benefits Survey

Understand the latest trends and best practice in relocation benefits provision for long-term international assignments

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Expatriate Salary Management Survey

A survey of multinational companies identifying the latest trends in policy, management and delivery of international assignment salaries

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Benefits for International Assignments Survey

Understand the latest trends and best practice in benefits provision for long-term international assignments

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One place for global mobility

Whatever your project scale or programme needs, ECA can provide the tools and expertise to reward and manage your mobile employees effectively

One place for global mobility